Restore communication within your body and heal.
The Blossom of Health
Helping people to live allergy-free life
and bring their body back to the state of natural health on all levels - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually!
Blashka Novotna, RhN, RNCP, BodyTalk Practitioner
Your Allergy Expert
"I was generally skeptical of naturopaths but Blashka was able to detect what I was allergic to and after one quick session, I have been allergy free for close to 10 years now!
Considering the thousands of dollars I have spent on allergy medicine, this was one of the smartest investments I have made from both a financial and health perspective. "
Expedition Within & Beyond
The series of guided meditations and special learnings
Join this unique meditation series featuring additional tools, modalities, and intuitive skill development each time!
Biweekly, starting on Tuesday, January 14th 6:30pm-8pm​
1. Expand Your Energy Meditation
Explore the energetic part of you
Balance chakras with colour therapy and crystals
Empaths and tools for them
2. Journey Within Meditation
Connect with your body in a different way
Love your body
3. Healing Yourself Meditation
Learn to scan the body of another person
Trust your intuition
Heal your body parts (worked on cysts, fibroid, pain and more)
4. Meet Your Higher Self Meditation
Healing Circle
Connect with your Spirit team
5. Meet Your Spirit Animal Meditation with Drumming
Messages from your power animal
Sound healing tools for healing
6. Meet Your Dragon Meditation
Art expression
Colour as a vibration/meaning
7. Nature Spirit Kingdom Meditation
Connect with a real plant energetically
Communication with plants
8. Meet Your Future-Self meditation
Channel through writing
Advice from your Future Self
Action steps
9. Meet Your Ego, Meet Yourself Meditation
Who are You really?
Dreams, desires, and goal resistance
How to set ego aside
Journal intuitive guidance
10. Energy Initiation Meditation
Pick the energy initiation you need right now
Connect, receive, feel, use
Oracle cards as tools
Topic based on the energy picked
11. Journey to Visit Loved Ones on the Other Side Meditation
Bring a photo of your loved one to connect differently
Signs, channelling possibilities
Share stories
Channel for another
12. Be Present and Release Stress and Anxiety Meditation
Qi gong
Acupressure point for calming
13. Bridge of Forgiveness Meditation
Meet those who you need to forgive or be forgiven
Forgive Yourself
Eye movement to release stored trauma
14. Light Activation for the Group Meditation
Increase your vibration in different ways
Receive Light Activation
15. Face Your Fears & Release Meditation
The solution within (via meditation)
Fear of judgement and failure
Group support/connection activity
Release ceremony
16. Connect with the Divine Within Meditation
Communicate with the Divine inside and receive answers
Profound connection with the Divine in others
17. Theta Healing Journey Mediation
As above so below - connecting to Earth and the Divine realm
Connect to Source Energy around-Divine Love healing energy
Healing Circle
18. Akashic Library Visit Meditation
Receive messages, read the Book of Life
Intuitive reading for another
19. Christ Consciousness Sacred Geometry Meditation
Increase your vibration, grounding
Sacred geometry
Christ Consciousness connection
Share the energy with others
20. Past Life Regression Meditation
Visit your past life
Change the history
Heal issues coming from the past life
21. Remote Viewing Meditation
Visit a place you have never been to or have never seen
Consciousness travel
Pick up information & share
22. Crystal Cave of Creation Meditation
Psychic skills development
Telepathic communication
Colours - feel the colour's vibration
Psychic reading
Biweekly, starting on Tuesday, January 14th 6:30pm-8pm
Fee: drop in - $30
Save $50 on a prepaid package of 10 classes ($25 per class)
Payable via e-transfer to or in cash at the first class.