Restore communication within your body and heal.
The Blossom of Health
Helping people to live allergy-free life
and bring their body back to the state of natural health on all levels - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually!
Blashka Novotna, RhN, RNCP, BodyTalk Practitioner
Your Allergy Expert
"I was generally skeptical of naturopaths but Blashka was able to detect what I was allergic to and after one quick session, I have been allergy free for close to 10 years now!
Considering the thousands of dollars I have spent on allergy medicine, this was one of the smartest investments I have made from both a financial and health perspective. "
The Blossom of Health
Blashka Novotna, RhN, RNCP
Registered Holistic Nutritionist & BodyTalk Practitioner
Cell: 226-749-2439
Pineland Crt, Laurelwood area, Waterloo,
Ontario, Canada
N2T 2T1
Links to helpful services:
Healing Path Centre for natural medicine, Waterlooo -naturopathic services, acupuncture, infra red sauna and more at
Thermography clinic Kitchener at - radion free monitoring of breast health
Natures Pharm - great variety of natural products, supplements, herbal teas and more